汽車性能測試儀 - 配件專區
T01-018500 輸出入模組 output and input set
T01-018500 輸出入模組 output and input set
搭配 P-Box 及 D-Box 用的 輸出入模組, 可以把外部的訊號 統整到D-box P-box 內部的SD卡上面同步紀錄, 例如 引擎轉速訊號,方向盤角度,油門深淺度, 檔位, 進氣壓力 , 輪胎溫度 等等 , 總共有4 個類比輸入口, 以及一個轉速專用輸入口, 還有一組CAN bus接口
(以上所述所有機械訊號均須自行搭配合適的偵測器 將其轉換為0~14.5V 的輸入規格進入類比輸入口(Anolog input)
更詳細的資料 可看本英文版說明書 這裡可以直接下載 |
外部天線 External Antenna
外部天線 External Antenna
針對P-box D-box 的需求,我們搭配了這款高感度的GPS 天線,本天線在台灣生產製造直接銷售,合宜的性能價格比,歡迎來電詢問。 本款天線底部有強力磁鐵,可以直接吸附在車頂,即使時速250km/hr 也不會脫落。 Available to purchase directly from Racelogic or the online store, the external aerial which plugs into the back of DriftBox is a useful addition, and essential for cars which have an athermic or anti-UV coated windscreen.
Using an external antenna on the vehicle's roof, DriftBox will have a less obstructed view of the sky. This will improve satellite reception if the area in which you are operating is heavily tree lined or built up, and can help to minimise drop-outs in logged data. |
外接式纜線 Serial Cable
外接式纜線 Serial Cable
D-box 可經由RS232 輸出高精度位置訊號 本連接線可插入D-box 後面的接口 轉換為傳統 9pin 的RS232 頭輸出。 When DriftBox diagnostic mode is active the RS232 serial port outputs NMEA standard format GPS information. This makes it directly compatible for use as GPS input to mapping software programs for navigation use.
The serial cable plugs into the port on the back of DriftBox and has a standard 9-way D connection at its end for connection to a suitably equipped laptop or PDA |
電池 Battery
電池 Battery
D-box P-box 外掛電池組,基本上您可使用市場上任何12V 版本的電池組,只要想辦法轉換為2.0DC 頭即可,若需我們為您搭配,歡迎來電與我們商討。 The battery pack is an excellent solution if DriftBox is being used in a vehicle with no power supply. Rated at 2Ahr, the battery will provide up to eight hours of continuous use from a full charge.
Also included is a mains charger, with adaptors for use worldwide. |
無線電 Radio
無線電 Radio
D-box 可外掛此 長距離的無線模組 距離可達3.5km 並且支援99 台D-box 同時傳輸 DriftBox Telemetry will “score” your drifting, giving valuable feedback on angle, g-force and speed. To allow the DriftBox to be used in competitions, the radio telemetry system sends results instantly from any number of DriftBoxes to a single laptop, helping more accurate “on the spot” decisions to be made by a judging panel.
The radio can transmit up to 3.5km, and up to 99 DriftBoxes can be used at the same time. One radio is needed per car, and one radio is needed for the receiving laptop. The receiving radio can be powered from the mains or the supplied battery pack, whilst the transmitting unit is powered by DriftBox itself. |
產品型號: T03-SD-2G 產品介紹: P.D-Box性能測試儀 專用mini SD卡
簡單方便容易攜帶使用, 讓你的SD記憶卡容量滿了隨時可以下載到電腦裡面, 過去的小容量SD卡也不用丟棄, 直接裝入讀卡機裡面, 可以當隨身碟使用!!
產品規格: 容量:2G (P.D-Box建議使用容量2G的SD卡最適合) |